This post will talk about 5 high-level programming languages. We’ll breakdown these languages using the following format:

  • Is the language compiled or interpreted?
  • Which programming paradigm does it belong to?

Followed by a brief history and practical examples of what the language has been used to create. Let’s start with Swift, by Apple.

By Apple Inc –, Apache License 2.0,
  • Swift is a COMPILED language.
  • Swift is multi-paradigm.

Apple programmers began developing swift in 2010 as a language to create applications for iOS – Apple’s version of an operating system for smart devices like iPhones and iPads. By 2014, it was debuted at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference. It’s undergone many revisions and improvements since, the most current version is 4.2. Many apps that you download from the App Store on your Apple smart device are built using Swift, such as Facebook, Uber, WhatsApp and thousands more.

By ™/®Python Software Foundation –, GPL,
  • Python is an INTERPRETED language.
  • Python is multi-paradigm.

Python has been around a long time – it was first released in 1991 under version 0.9.0, it’s come a long way since: the most recent update was a mere 30 days ago, version 3.9.7. This language was built to be diversifiable and general purpose in nature. If you surf the internet, chances are you’ve run into websites developed using Python: Google, Instagram, Netflix, Dropbox and Pinterest to name just a few.

By Jeremy Kratz –, Public Domain,
  • C++ is a COMPILED language.
  • C++ is multi-paradigm.

Bjarne Stroustrup began development of C++ in 1982: it was purposely designed to fill the gap left by other programming languages – which were either too impractical, slow, or simple. C++ has undergone a number of iterations since it was released in 1985. From what I can tell, there seems to be a growing opinion that this language is starting to be considered a low-level programming language, it’s beginning to show its age against newer coding methods. Despite all the nuanced discussion on this distinction, there is no doubt C++ is a powerhouse of the coding world when being close to the hardware level is necessary. Popular apps such as Adobe Photoshop/Premier/Illustrator, Microsoft Word, and even the Windows OS utilize C++.

By Ramaksoud2000 via Chris Williams – Wikipedia via GitHub logo.js, Public Domain,
  • JavaScript is a COMPILED language.
  • It is multi-paradigm.

Invented by Brendan Eich back in 1995, JavaScript (“JS”) has become a juggernaut of the web landscape. An overwhelming number of devices, 97% and more, use JS to render a web page in conjunction with HTML and CSS. Basically, if you’re on a website, chances are you are interacting with it. JS became a standard during the early days of internet browsers, since then it’s been helping people surf the web in much greater levels of style. It’s prevailing strength is adding forms of interaction to a web page or web based application. Playing videos, music, fun little browser games, and website navigation are examples of JS. With over 97% of devices/servers using some form of this language, pin-pointing an example is easy. Facebook, Amazon, Google, and many more all use JS in some way.

By Alexandre Nakonechnyj (Graphic design) and Lua team (PostScript code) Public Domain,
  • Lua is an INTERPRETED language.
  • Lua is multi-paradigm.

Back in 1993, members of the Computer Graphics Technology group from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro created Lua. It was made to augment existing languages and expand their functionality – like a plug-in, or extension would. It was built to be fast, easily understood, and portable. Lua has found a powerful niche in the gaming industry, where all those traits are vital to developing a successful video game. Angry Birds, World of Warcraft, and Roblox are just a few popular games that have utilized Lua to enhance the users experience.